When Pooja Bhatt opened up about the infamous lip kiss with Mahesh Bhatt: 'Agar log baap aur beti ke rishte ko…'

Pooja Bhatt once revisited the controversy surrounding the 1990 magazine cover featuring her and her father, Mahesh Bhatt, in which they shared a kiss on the lips. During an old interview, Pooja discussed the overwhelming media attention the image attracted, explaining that the moment captured was purely "absolutely innocent" and beyond her control in terms of how it was interpreted by the public.

When Pooja Bhatt opened up about the infamous lip kiss with Mahesh Bhatt: 'Agar log baap aur beti ke rishte ko…'
Pooja Bhatt once revisited the controversy surrounding the 1990 magazine cover featuring her and her father, Mahesh Bhatt, in which they shared a kiss on the lips. During an old interview, Pooja discussed the overwhelming media attention the image attracted, explaining that the moment captured was purely "absolutely innocent" and beyond her control in terms of how it was interpreted by the public.