Last Updated: 03 November 2023
1. Introduction
At "The Politician," we believe in the importance of maintaining the highest ethical standards, not only in our journalism but also in our use of social media. This Ethics & Social Media Policy outlines the principles and guidelines for our employees, contributors, and all representatives to follow when engaging with social media platforms.
2. Professional Conduct
a. Accuracy and Truth: When posting content on social media, always strive for accuracy and truthfulness. Verify facts before sharing information or making statements.
b. Transparency: Clearly identify your affiliation with "The Politician" when posting or commenting on topics related to our publication. Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
c. Respect: Treat others with respect and courtesy, even when engaging in disagreements. Avoid personal attacks, offensive language, and harassment.
d. Privacy: Respect the privacy of individuals and avoid sharing sensitive or personal information without consent. Always adhere to privacy laws and regulations.
3. Content Sharing and Attribution
a. Attribution: When sharing content, provide proper attribution to the original source and respect copyright laws. Avoid plagiarism and always give credit where it is due.
b. Editorial Independence: Maintain the editorial independence of "The Politician" and avoid promoting any commercial interests or political affiliations through social media channels.
c. Official Accounts: Only official "The Politician" social media accounts are authorized to represent our publication. Do not create unofficial accounts or profiles that may be associated with our brand.
4. Confidentiality
a. Non-Disclosure: Do not share confidential or proprietary information about "The Politician" on social media platforms. This includes sensitive information related to sources, unpublished content, or internal operations.
b. Data Protection: Protect user data and information in compliance with data protection laws. Do not share or discuss user data without consent.
5. Responsibility for Posts
a. Individual Responsibility: Each person representing "The Politician" on social media is responsible for their own posts and comments. Be aware that posts can reflect on the reputation of our publication.
b. Retweets and Shares: Even when retweeting or sharing content from others, consider the potential impact on our brand's reputation and adhere to this policy.
6. Social Media Guidelines
a. Editorial Guidance: All content shared on social media should align with "The Politician's" editorial guidelines and values.
b. Verification: Before sharing breaking news or unverified information, exercise caution and, whenever possible, confirm the accuracy of the content.
c. Moderation: Monitor comments and interactions on official "The Politician" social media accounts. Remove inappropriate or offensive content and ban users who violate our guidelines.
7. Compliance
a. Legal Compliance: Always adhere to applicable laws, including defamation, privacy, copyright, and data protection laws, when engaging on social media.
b. Guideline Violations: Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contribution agreements.
8. Review and Updates
This policy may be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.
9. Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about this Ethics & Social Media Policy, please contact us at: