WhatsApp says its users targeted by Israeli spyware: Read company’s response

WhatsApp has disrupted a hacking operation by Israeli spyware firm Paragon Solutions targeting about 90 users, including journalists and civil society members. The company has issued a cease-and-desist letter to Paragon and is working with Citizen Lab to support affected users. This follows a significant legal win against another Israeli spyware company, NSO Group, for a 2019 hacking incident.

WhatsApp says its users targeted by Israeli spyware: Read company’s response
WhatsApp has disrupted a hacking operation by Israeli spyware firm Paragon Solutions targeting about 90 users, including journalists and civil society members. The company has issued a cease-and-desist letter to Paragon and is working with Citizen Lab to support affected users. This follows a significant legal win against another Israeli spyware company, NSO Group, for a 2019 hacking incident.