What is 'Nothing Day' and how do different cultures celebrate it around the globe?

‘Nothing Day’ celebrated on January 16 encourages pausing from daily hustle. Similar concepts like China's 'Tang Ping' and Dutch 'Niksen' emphasize reducing stress by stepping back from constant activities. Historical practices and philosophies in Denmark, Italy, Japan, and Taoism also highlight the benefits of minimalism, relaxation, and mental well-being through non-doing.

What is 'Nothing Day' and how do different cultures celebrate it around the globe?
‘Nothing Day’ celebrated on January 16 encourages pausing from daily hustle. Similar concepts like China's 'Tang Ping' and Dutch 'Niksen' emphasize reducing stress by stepping back from constant activities. Historical practices and philosophies in Denmark, Italy, Japan, and Taoism also highlight the benefits of minimalism, relaxation, and mental well-being through non-doing.