Watch: India's incredible victory parade drone shot

In Mumbai, a visual spectacle unfolded as thousands of fans clad in vibrant blue lined the streets, waving flags and placards with unmatched enthusiasm. The celebratory atmosphere, reminiscent of Buenos Aires during Argentina's FIFA World Cup victory, was captured in a stunning drone shot. This momentous occasion marked India's thrilling T20 World Cup 2024 triumph over South Africa by seven runs, ending an 11-year ICC trophy drought and a 17-year wait for the T20 World Cup title.

Watch: India's incredible victory parade drone shot
In Mumbai, a visual spectacle unfolded as thousands of fans clad in vibrant blue lined the streets, waving flags and placards with unmatched enthusiasm. The celebratory atmosphere, reminiscent of Buenos Aires during Argentina's FIFA World Cup victory, was captured in a stunning drone shot. This momentous occasion marked India's thrilling T20 World Cup 2024 triumph over South Africa by seven runs, ending an 11-year ICC trophy drought and a 17-year wait for the T20 World Cup title.