Village disappeared after getting development work worth Rs 43 lakh done, even Google can’t find Punjab ‘Lapta Pind’; probe ordered

Punjab officials allegedly created a fictitious village named New Gatti Rajo Ki and spent Rs 43 lakh on its development. RTI activist Gurdev Singh uncovered that grants and projects were fraudulently sanctioned for the non-existent village, while real grants and jobs were fewer. Investigations are underway, with officials promising strict action against those involved in the scam.

Village disappeared after getting development work worth Rs 43 lakh done, even Google can’t find Punjab ‘Lapta Pind’; probe ordered
Punjab officials allegedly created a fictitious village named New Gatti Rajo Ki and spent Rs 43 lakh on its development. RTI activist Gurdev Singh uncovered that grants and projects were fraudulently sanctioned for the non-existent village, while real grants and jobs were fewer. Investigations are underway, with officials promising strict action against those involved in the scam.