Uttarakhand civic polls: 19-year-old Suhani casts vote despite fractured leg, inspires voters

Suhani Agarwal, a 19-year-old from Kashipur, voted in the municipal elections even with a fractured leg to contribute to the democratic process. It was her second time voting and her first experience with a ballot paper. Suhani's dedication inspired many, including 80-year-old Kamla Ahuja, who praised the young girl's commitment to democracy.

Uttarakhand civic polls: 19-year-old Suhani casts vote despite fractured leg, inspires voters
Suhani Agarwal, a 19-year-old from Kashipur, voted in the municipal elections even with a fractured leg to contribute to the democratic process. It was her second time voting and her first experience with a ballot paper. Suhani's dedication inspired many, including 80-year-old Kamla Ahuja, who praised the young girl's commitment to democracy.