The trailer of Puro Puri Eken is out

The trailer for Puro Puri Eken reveals a thrilling murder mystery set in Puri, featuring Detective Ekendra Sen. The story follows Eken Babu as he investigates eerie calls to a Kathakali dancer that lead to multiple murders. Packed with suspense, humor, and cultural elements, the series is directed by Joydeep Mukherjee and stars Anirban Chakrabarti.

The trailer of Puro Puri Eken is out
The trailer for Puro Puri Eken reveals a thrilling murder mystery set in Puri, featuring Detective Ekendra Sen. The story follows Eken Babu as he investigates eerie calls to a Kathakali dancer that lead to multiple murders. Packed with suspense, humor, and cultural elements, the series is directed by Joydeep Mukherjee and stars Anirban Chakrabarti.