Tamil Nadu schools to remain closed for 5 days on account of Pongal Holidays 2025: Check official notice here

The Tamil Nadu government has declared a five-day holiday for schools, colleges, and government offices from January 14 to 19, 2025, in celebration of Pongal. An additional holiday on January 17 was announced to accommodate widespread travel for celebrations. January 25 will be a working day to compensate for the extra holiday.

Tamil Nadu schools to remain closed for 5 days on account of Pongal Holidays 2025: Check official notice here
The Tamil Nadu government has declared a five-day holiday for schools, colleges, and government offices from January 14 to 19, 2025, in celebration of Pongal. An additional holiday on January 17 was announced to accommodate widespread travel for celebrations. January 25 will be a working day to compensate for the extra holiday.