Shammi Kapoor increased his fees from Rs 3 lakh to Rs 5 lakh when Dharmendra tried to negotiate with him during Sunny Deol's 'Betaab'

Sunny Deol's debut in 'Betaab' was produced by his father Dharmendra. It also starred Shammi Kapoor in a supporting role and Dharmendra had tried to negotiate his fees for film, but as penalty for it, Kapoor further increased the amount he charged.

Shammi Kapoor increased his fees from Rs 3 lakh to Rs 5 lakh when Dharmendra tried to negotiate with him during Sunny Deol's 'Betaab'
Sunny Deol's debut in 'Betaab' was produced by his father Dharmendra. It also starred Shammi Kapoor in a supporting role and Dharmendra had tried to negotiate his fees for film, but as penalty for it, Kapoor further increased the amount he charged.