Rs 48 crores a day! Indian CEO Jagdeep Singh's journey to becoming the world’s highest-paid employee in electric vehicles

Jagdeep Singh, CEO of Quantumscape and the highest-paid employee globally, earns Rs 48 crores daily. His success highlights the growing relevance of innovative sectors like electric vehicles powered by solid-state battery technology. With investments from Bill Gates and Volkswagen, Quantumscape plays a vital role in the push for cleaner, greener transportation.

Rs 48 crores a day! Indian CEO Jagdeep Singh's journey to becoming the world’s highest-paid employee in electric vehicles
Jagdeep Singh, CEO of Quantumscape and the highest-paid employee globally, earns Rs 48 crores daily. His success highlights the growing relevance of innovative sectors like electric vehicles powered by solid-state battery technology. With investments from Bill Gates and Volkswagen, Quantumscape plays a vital role in the push for cleaner, greener transportation.