Priyanka Chopra and Guneet Monga backed Indian Film 'Anuja' secures Oscar nomination; actor Nagesh Bhonsle REACTS

Indian cinema receives international recognition with 'Anuja' nominated for Best Live Action Short Film at the 97th Academy Awards. Produced by Guneet Monga and Priyanka Chopra, the film addresses child labor, featuring a young girl from a slum. The awards ceremony takes place on March 2nd.

Priyanka Chopra and Guneet Monga backed Indian Film 'Anuja' secures Oscar nomination; actor Nagesh Bhonsle REACTS
Indian cinema receives international recognition with 'Anuja' nominated for Best Live Action Short Film at the 97th Academy Awards. Produced by Guneet Monga and Priyanka Chopra, the film addresses child labor, featuring a young girl from a slum. The awards ceremony takes place on March 2nd.