Out for evening tea, IIT-Madras PhD scholar harassed by worker outside campus

On January 14, a female doctoral candidate from IIT Madras was harassed by a worker at a tea stall in Velachery-Taramani. The perpetrator, Sriram from Uttar Pradesh, was detained by onlookers until the police arrived. IIT Madras has comprehensive security measures and guidelines for off-campus travel. The institution supports the affected student.

Out for evening tea, IIT-Madras PhD scholar harassed by worker outside campus
On January 14, a female doctoral candidate from IIT Madras was harassed by a worker at a tea stall in Velachery-Taramani. The perpetrator, Sriram from Uttar Pradesh, was detained by onlookers until the police arrived. IIT Madras has comprehensive security measures and guidelines for off-campus travel. The institution supports the affected student.