Once a flop Bollywood star, THIS former actor gave up on films and today runs a Rs.10,000 crore business; his networth is higher than Aamir Khan

Girish Kumar, who debuted in Bollywood with 'Ramaiya Vastavaiya,' transitioned to the business world after his films didn't succeed at the box office. Now, he is the Executive Director of Tips Industries, overseeing a business worth ₹10,000 crore, with a personal net worth of ₹2,164 crore.

Once a flop Bollywood star, THIS former actor gave up on films and today runs a Rs.10,000 crore business; his networth is higher than Aamir Khan
Girish Kumar, who debuted in Bollywood with 'Ramaiya Vastavaiya,' transitioned to the business world after his films didn't succeed at the box office. Now, he is the Executive Director of Tips Industries, overseeing a business worth ₹10,000 crore, with a personal net worth of ₹2,164 crore.