NEP and quality education: Why a school regulator must be more than just a paper tiger

The National Education Policy (NEP) recommends establishing an independent regulatory body called the State School Standards Authority (SSSA), which will build systemic accountability for children’s learning outcomes. But to properly shield the SSSA from executive influence, it must be established as a statutory body via a Legislative Act with clearly defined powers and responsibilities, suggests Centre DIRECT's executive director Suresh Kumar.

NEP and quality education: Why a school regulator must be more than just a paper tiger
The National Education Policy (NEP) recommends establishing an independent regulatory body called the State School Standards Authority (SSSA), which will build systemic accountability for children’s learning outcomes. But to properly shield the SSSA from executive influence, it must be established as a statutory body via a Legislative Act with clearly defined powers and responsibilities, suggests Centre DIRECT's executive director Suresh Kumar.