Mumbai Police takes the accused to Saif Ali Khan's house to recreate the crime scene, 19 finger prints found - WATCH VIDEO

Saif Ali Khan was attacked in his home, where he sustained six stab wounds when a burglar entered his house. The assailant, Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, a Bangladeshi national, was arrested and confessed to the crime. The police recreated the crime scene, finding 19 fingerprints.

Mumbai Police takes the accused to Saif Ali Khan's house to recreate the crime scene, 19 finger prints found - WATCH VIDEO
Saif Ali Khan was attacked in his home, where he sustained six stab wounds when a burglar entered his house. The assailant, Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, a Bangladeshi national, was arrested and confessed to the crime. The police recreated the crime scene, finding 19 fingerprints.