Mahindra sets up Rs 4,500 crore EV plant for BE 6, XEV 9e SUVs: 1,000+ robots, AI, and more

Mahindra & Mahindra opens a new manufacturing and battery assembly facility at Chakan, focusing on the production of electric SUVs BE 6 and XEV 9e. The facility, part of a Rs 16,000 crore investment, features advanced automation, runs on renewable energy, and promotes workforce inclusivity.

Mahindra sets up Rs 4,500 crore EV plant for BE 6, XEV 9e SUVs: 1,000+ robots, AI, and more
Mahindra & Mahindra opens a new manufacturing and battery assembly facility at Chakan, focusing on the production of electric SUVs BE 6 and XEV 9e. The facility, part of a Rs 16,000 crore investment, features advanced automation, runs on renewable energy, and promotes workforce inclusivity.