Kangana Ranaut says she wants to cast Karan Johar in her film when asked about working with him in future: 'I'll give him a very good role and it will not be saas-bahu ki chuglibaazi'

Kangana Ranaut, while promoting her film Emergency on Indian Idol 15, addressed her dynamic with Karan Johar. Responding to contestant Manushi Ghosh's question about working with Johar in the future, Kangana remarked that he should work with her instead. She added humorously that she would give him a "very good role" in a "proper film" free of "saas-bahu ki chuglibaazi" and PR exercises.

Kangana Ranaut says she wants to cast Karan Johar in her film when asked about working with him in future: 'I'll give him a very good role and it will not be saas-bahu ki chuglibaazi'
Kangana Ranaut, while promoting her film Emergency on Indian Idol 15, addressed her dynamic with Karan Johar. Responding to contestant Manushi Ghosh's question about working with Johar in the future, Kangana remarked that he should work with her instead. She added humorously that she would give him a "very good role" in a "proper film" free of "saas-bahu ki chuglibaazi" and PR exercises.