Jaipur Lit Fest: War reporters lay bare dangers of frontline journalism, press curbs

At the Jaipur Literature Festival, seasoned war correspondents discussed the hazards and political dangers of their profession. Lindsey Hilsum, Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, and others addressed the declining space for foreign reporters and shared harrowing personal experiences from conflict zones. They highlighted the importance of diverse perspectives and the personal toll of covering volatile regions.

Jaipur Lit Fest: War reporters lay bare dangers of frontline journalism, press curbs
At the Jaipur Literature Festival, seasoned war correspondents discussed the hazards and political dangers of their profession. Lindsey Hilsum, Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, and others addressed the declining space for foreign reporters and shared harrowing personal experiences from conflict zones. They highlighted the importance of diverse perspectives and the personal toll of covering volatile regions.