Is it possible to have a soundless mind? Know about this surprising condition

Researchers at the University of Auckland are studying anauralia, a rare condition affecting 1% of people who cannot imagine sounds. Those with this 'soundless mind' experience no inner voice or imagined music. A conference in Auckland from April 14-16 will explore anauralia and hyperauralia, its opposite, bringing together scientists, artists, and philosophers to discuss the phenomenon of inner sound.

Is it possible to have a soundless mind? Know about this surprising condition
Researchers at the University of Auckland are studying anauralia, a rare condition affecting 1% of people who cannot imagine sounds. Those with this 'soundless mind' experience no inner voice or imagined music. A conference in Auckland from April 14-16 will explore anauralia and hyperauralia, its opposite, bringing together scientists, artists, and philosophers to discuss the phenomenon of inner sound.