India's first private semiconductor manufacturing facility to launch in Andhra Pradesh with Rs 14,000 crore investment

Indichip Semiconductors, in a joint venture with Japan's Yitoa Micro Technology, signed an MoU with the Andhra Pradesh government to set up India’s first private semiconductor manufacturing facility with an investment of over ₹14,000 crores. Focused on Silicon Carbide chips, the facility aims to boost India’s technological and sustainability goals and create thousands of jobs in the region.

India's first private semiconductor manufacturing facility to launch in Andhra Pradesh with Rs 14,000 crore investment
Indichip Semiconductors, in a joint venture with Japan's Yitoa Micro Technology, signed an MoU with the Andhra Pradesh government to set up India’s first private semiconductor manufacturing facility with an investment of over ₹14,000 crores. Focused on Silicon Carbide chips, the facility aims to boost India’s technological and sustainability goals and create thousands of jobs in the region.