Groundbreaking discovery reveals ancient skull once thought to be Arsinoë IV is actually that of…

Recent scientific analysis has identified a skull found in Ephesus, Turkey, originally thought to be Cleopatra's half-sister Arsinoë IV, as belonging to an adolescent boy with Treacher Collins syndrome. The study, published in Scientific Reports, used CT scans and DNA analysis to reveal the true identity, resolving a long-standing archaeological mystery.

Groundbreaking discovery reveals ancient skull once thought to be Arsinoë IV is actually that of…
Recent scientific analysis has identified a skull found in Ephesus, Turkey, originally thought to be Cleopatra's half-sister Arsinoë IV, as belonging to an adolescent boy with Treacher Collins syndrome. The study, published in Scientific Reports, used CT scans and DNA analysis to reveal the true identity, resolving a long-standing archaeological mystery.