Florida doctor charged for encouraging minors to 'cut, choke and hang themselves,' leading to 13-year-old's death

A Florida physician, Stephen Andrew Leedy, is federally charged with child sexual exploitation, including encouraging minors to self-harm. This behavior allegedly led to the death of a 13-year-old girl. Leedy could face life imprisonment if convicted. His wife, Lynda Leedy, continues her leadership role in Pinellas County’s Juvenile Welfare Board.

Florida doctor charged for encouraging minors to 'cut, choke and hang themselves,' leading to 13-year-old's death
A Florida physician, Stephen Andrew Leedy, is federally charged with child sexual exploitation, including encouraging minors to self-harm. This behavior allegedly led to the death of a 13-year-old girl. Leedy could face life imprisonment if convicted. His wife, Lynda Leedy, continues her leadership role in Pinellas County’s Juvenile Welfare Board.