Exclusive- "Orry's shameful act should not be tolerated, he should be held accountable for his actions," says Pankit Thakker
Exclusive- "Orry's shameful act should not be tolerated, he should be held accountable for his actions," says Pankit Thakker
The incident involving Orry's alleged alcohol consumption at Vaishno Devi temple led to widespread outrage. TV actor Pankit Thakker condemned the actions, emphasizing the responsibility of celebrities to uphold high standards of behavior and respect sacred spaces. Orry faces legal action and demands for a ban from Katra.
The incident involving Orry's alleged alcohol consumption at Vaishno Devi temple led to widespread outrage. TV actor Pankit Thakker condemned the actions, emphasizing the responsibility of celebrities to uphold high standards of behavior and respect sacred spaces. Orry faces legal action and demands for a ban from Katra.