ED attaches assets worth Rs 4.68 crore of former Bhopal DIG and family in money laundering probe

The Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Bhopal, has provisionally attached movable and immovable assets worth Rs 4.68 Crore from the late Umesh Kumar Gandhi, a former DIG of Bhopal Jail, his family members and associates, in a money laundering case under the PMLA, 2002, linked to disproportionate assets.

ED attaches assets worth Rs 4.68 crore of former Bhopal DIG and family in money laundering probe
The Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Bhopal, has provisionally attached movable and immovable assets worth Rs 4.68 Crore from the late Umesh Kumar Gandhi, a former DIG of Bhopal Jail, his family members and associates, in a money laundering case under the PMLA, 2002, linked to disproportionate assets.