Discover the Best Places to Work Remotely Around the Globe

Working from home has become increasingly popular, in part, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic. Workers realized how they actually could be productive from the comfort of their homes. Once travel started up again, thousands of people realized that they could work from anywhere. A digital nomad is defined by Merriam Webber as “someone who performs […] The post Discover the Best Places to Work Remotely Around the Globe appeared first on SmarterTravel.

Discover the Best Places to Work Remotely Around the Globe
Working from home has become increasingly popular, in part, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic. Workers realized how they actually could be productive from the comfort of their homes. Once travel started up again, thousands of people realized that they could work from anywhere. A digital nomad is defined by Merriam Webber as “someone who performs […] The post Discover the Best Places to Work Remotely Around the Globe appeared first on SmarterTravel.