Brain teaser: Only those with high IQ can find the mistake in this picture in just 5 Seconds
Brain teaser: Only those with high IQ can find the mistake in this picture in just 5 Seconds
Brain puzzles are one of the finest means of analyzing and enhancing cognitive skills. If you solve a puzzle, logic, reasoning, and visual-related areas of the brain like prefrontal cortex and parietal lobes get stimulated actively. Psychologists have opined that people having superior pattern-spotting, deviance-detection, and abstractive-logic skills usually perform better in IQ tests.
Brain puzzles are one of the finest means of analyzing and enhancing cognitive skills. If you solve a puzzle, logic, reasoning, and visual-related areas of the brain like prefrontal cortex and parietal lobes get stimulated actively. Psychologists have opined that people having superior pattern-spotting, deviance-detection, and abstractive-logic skills usually perform better in IQ tests.