Bengaluru café’s new policy stirs controversy– here’s why people are talking

Some customers feel that they should be free to talk about anything, as long as they’re paying for their meal. Others, however, appreciate the effort to maintain a peaceful environment where everyone can enjoy their time without being dragged into intense conversations. In the end, this debate over what’s appropriate to discuss at a restaurant is just another reflection of how the dining culture is evolving, and it’s a conversation that’s far from over.

Bengaluru café’s new policy stirs controversy– here’s why people are talking
Some customers feel that they should be free to talk about anything, as long as they’re paying for their meal. Others, however, appreciate the effort to maintain a peaceful environment where everyone can enjoy their time without being dragged into intense conversations. In the end, this debate over what’s appropriate to discuss at a restaurant is just another reflection of how the dining culture is evolving, and it’s a conversation that’s far from over.