Akshay Kumar says he bought a new flat by extending his role in Jaani Dushman: 'My character is suddenly found in a coma'

Akshay Kumar humorously recalls how he persuaded director Rajkumar Kohli to extend his role in 'Jaani Dushman'. Thus, the director put him in coma in the film and didn't make him die. This extension allowed him to earn extra days of pay, aiding his goal to buy a flat.

Akshay Kumar says he bought a new flat by extending his role in Jaani Dushman: 'My character is suddenly found in a coma'
Akshay Kumar humorously recalls how he persuaded director Rajkumar Kohli to extend his role in 'Jaani Dushman'. Thus, the director put him in coma in the film and didn't make him die. This extension allowed him to earn extra days of pay, aiding his goal to buy a flat.