237-million-year-old crocodile-like predator species discovered in Brazil’s ancient fossils
237-million-year-old crocodile-like predator species discovered in Brazil’s ancient fossils
Researchers in Brazil have unearthed the fossilized bones of a 237-million-year-old crocodile-like predator, Retymaijychampsa beckerorum. This ancient semi-aquatic predator, part of the Proterochampsidae family, sheds light on early reptile evolution and their ability to hunt both on land and water. The discovery deepens our understanding of the creatures that preceded modern crocodiles and birds.
Researchers in Brazil have unearthed the fossilized bones of a 237-million-year-old crocodile-like predator, Retymaijychampsa beckerorum. This ancient semi-aquatic predator, part of the Proterochampsidae family, sheds light on early reptile evolution and their ability to hunt both on land and water. The discovery deepens our understanding of the creatures that preceded modern crocodiles and birds.