Transgender activists vow to attend 'religious women-only night' at San Francisco spa
Transgender activists vow to attend 'religious women-only night' at San Francisco spa
Transgender activists are pushing back against Archimedes Banya's new monthly 'Cultural & religious women’s night' for biologically female-only clients, citing exclusion. The spa, which also offers an 'Inclusive women’s night' open to all women, defends the policy as respecting cultural and religious traditions. Activists have vowed protests until the policy changes.
Transgender activists are pushing back against Archimedes Banya's new monthly 'Cultural & religious women’s night' for biologically female-only clients, citing exclusion. The spa, which also offers an 'Inclusive women’s night' open to all women, defends the policy as respecting cultural and religious traditions. Activists have vowed protests until the policy changes.